The perils of being an out-and-proud table top game player …

I’m a gamer

I have found, thus far in life, that the words “I’m a gamer” encourage a somewhat mixed response. There are many who (of course) accept this at face value, albeit with no real understanding of exactly what this entails, but sadly there are also those who stare at me with a look of thinly veiled disgust and bewilderment that I am neither an angst ridden teenager nor a thirty plus man-child still living with my parents.
The statement “I particularly enjoy board and table-top games” only succeeds in compounding the issue. On top of the aforementioned, it is now also presumed that I possess little-to-no social skills, and even worse, personal hygiene. Of course, the above is an extreme example and those ignorant enough to believe such archetypes are in the minority. Such broad presumptions are as ludicrous as suggesting all taxi drivers are called Steve, or the majority of hairdressers have an aversion to fruit.

I am neither an angst ridden teenager nor a thirty plus man-child still living with my parents

The truth is more simple. Gaming is one of the largest industries in the world. The words “I’m a gamer” should really be as common as “I enjoy a good film”, and yet they are strangely not. If you pause to think, games are a huge part of people’s lives – certainly if the amount of people I consider unfriending each week on Facebook, based solely on Candy Crush invites, is anything to go by. Of course, gaming encompasses far more than Titanfall or Flappy Bird; we’ve all played board or card games, and at the very least you ran around playing ‘It’ at school.

It is with the advent of the internet that gaming has really found its home, with millions of websites, blogs and videos bouncing around cyberspace. Yet it is still surprising how grossly under-represented gaming is on terrestrial television. Fortunately, this is about to change. Premièring on Latest TV is the new weekly show Bored Gamers, taking a humorous and irreverent look at all things gaming. In a British television first, Bored Gamers combines the exciting worlds of video and adult board gaming, to bring the viewer up-to-date news, reviews, interviews and much more. So be you a hardcore gamer or curious amateur, be sure to tune in.

Bored gamers is co-produced and presented by Jim Devereaux and Greg Marshall, starts on Friday 4 September 2014 at 9pm, and will be on weekly thereafter.

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