Caitlin: About a Girl

I don’t need no man

I’ve had enough of Peyton. He just had a massive go at me for staying out with my friend for her birthday rather than going back to his. How many times do we have to talk about how we are not a couple? Anyway because of that this week’s rant is going to be about how many things I’ve accomplished without men getting involved in my business.

This isn’t a man hating exercise – even though I want it to be – it’s more talking about how much I’ve managed to do by myself as an independent Beyoncé-loving woman.

How much I’ve managed to do by myself as an independent Beyoncé loving woman

Makes me sound like a massive nerd but one of the biggest things I’m proud of is getting through my education. Something we take for granted but vital to anyone wanting to survive in our knowledge economy.


By the end of this year I would have lived alone (well without a partner) in four different countries. Not that this wouldn’t have been possible without either a boyfriend or girlfriend the decision to move would have been a lot harder.

I once had a conversation with my travelling buddy who told me that if the girl he loved told him to not go he wouldn’t. I think if a guy professed his love to me and wanted me to stay home I would have told him to wait or to buy a flight himself. Saying that it was really hard when I had a long distance relationship with a man in Spain, I wouldn’t recommend it.

The best hurdle I climbed was when I passed my driving test after seven years, five driving instructors and two failed attempts. Ok some of the instructors were men but the driving instructor that got me through it was a woman.

And then there’s the fact that I’ve managed to get paid to do something I love. After years of writing in my journal, I’m now paid for putting words to paper. All by myself.

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