City Of… News: Latest TV wins local TV licence

We did it! Latest TV is proud to announce we have been awarded the licence for terrestrial TV in Brighton and Hove. At last Brighton and Hove will have its own television station with its own studios in the heart of the city at Latest Musicbar; broadcasting on Channel 8 on the Freeview platform with slots on other platforms to be confirmed.

We look forward to delivering the latest news and sport, top class entertainment, documentaries, education, comedy, music and everything that the people of Brighton and Hove expect from a quality TV station. We also look forward to working with the existing local independent producers in the city like BTV /Electric Sky and back2back productions. We have just covered Pride – see Brighton Lights 42 at – and we look forward to covering all the major events in Brighton and Hove’s calendar and making people across the UK and abroad know how amazing this city is. Not for nothing does a local column call it CelebCity.

Brighton and Hove has the biggest arts festival in England, a brand spanking new football stadium that is one of the best in the UK, top class businesses, world class universities and colleges, great radio stations and magazines and as everyone knows, it is one of the sexiest places on earth. Latest TV looks forward to showcasing the best of Brighton, Hove, Worthing and surrounding areas, and also to working with the BBC to provide up to the minute local news provision. With Wired Sussex, Latest TV will be a catalyst for growth in the crucial digital, creative and IT sector.

Phélim Mac Cafferty, Deputy Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, said: “We are all absolutely delighted that Latest is the successful bidder for local television in Brighton and Hove. Latest has built strong and successful partnerships with many of the major organisations in the community including the council, the Albion, local radio and our city’s vibrant digital sector. We look forward to working with Latest in showcasing our diverse, creative and modern city to local people and beyond.”

Finally Latest TV would like to thank the past and present Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport, Jeremy Hunt MP and Maria Miller MP, the DCMS and all at Ofcom for realising the importance of local democracy. We would also like to thank our 3 MPs, Caroline Lucas MP, Mike Weatherley MP and Simon Kirby MP, and Jason Kitcat, the leader of Brighton & Hove City Council for the city council’s support, plus Gill Mitchell, the leader of the Brighton & Hove Labour & Co-operative Party, and Lord Bassam of Brighton for their cross-party support.

Bill Smith, Director Latest TV  
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Have your say..

  1. Les Beynon says:

    Will it be on freeview or online,—-my device doesn’t support flash and digital tv gives very few channels,—when is it coming and will I be able to watch it

  2. Latest TV says:

    Hi Les

    Yes, Latest TV will be on both freeview, channel 8 (high up on the electronic programme guide) and online. We are hoping to be on air by September 2013, this date depends on the multiplex provider which controls transmission (the multiplex will be decided later this year and we will be in negotiation with them). We are hoping that everyone in Brighton, Hove, Lewes and Worthing and surrounding smaller areas and suburbs will be able to access the channel and this will also be confirmed by the winning multiplex provider. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
    Best regards
    Latest TV

  3. Jeremy says:

    Very good news… This will be great for local businesses, music, and events in Brighton , The Dead Reds wish you all the best in the future and can’t wait to see you on the telly box…

    Keep up the good work..

    The Dead Reds

  4. Dan Creed says:

    Fantastic news and great for the local area. I work as a media lecturer in Haywards Heath and Crawley and wondered if there were any opportunities for our students to get involved?

  5. […] Latest TV won the licence to broadcast a new local television service in Brighton and Hove. This is an exciting development, and I hear they will start broadcasting in the late spring. This will be a terrestrial service, available on channel 8 on freeview – smack between BBC3 and BBC4. They will also be on the Sky, BT and Virgin platforms. Much respected local journalists Frank le Duc and Tim Ridgway have been recruited to present programmes. […]

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