Brighton and Hove council wins £15m to fund eco-friendly transport

Hove Town Hall, where Brighton and Hove City Council is based.

Hove Town Hall, where Brighton and Hove City Council is based.

Brighton and Hove City Council has won almost £1.5m of government funding  for a three-year programme to encourage people to use healthier, more eco-friendly transport.

The scheme, which is to promote travel improving air quality, reduces congestion and physical and mental health, will target residents, businesses, and schools. It is estimated that it will reach around 10,000 people a year. The £1.485m grant comes from the Government’s Access Fund for Sustainable Travel, with money ring-fenced for local sustainable transport projects.  In a statement, the council stressed that “it cannot be spent on other things in the city”.

The project will have a focus on removing some of the barriers which can prevent people from getting a job and accessing skills training.

One of the projects funded is ‘personalised travel planning’, which involves travel advisors making contact with individuals that may find the costs of travelling to work, education and training prohibitive.  It offers advice and support on sustainable travel options.  Advisors are also able to direct individuals to other support services as required, by working closely with other agencies.

The council have said that the project will work with residents, employees, students and visitors to access new employment and leisure opportunities in active and healthy ways.  By supporting people to choose alternatives to the car, the project aims to reduce carbon emissions and encourage more active travel through walking and cycling.

Councillor Gill Mitchell, chair of the environment, transport and sustainability committee said: “This funding recognises the council’s commitment to helping families, workers, students and visitors to choose travel options other than the car. This in turn reduces congestion, improves bus journey times and brings health benefits along with cleaner air for everyone in Brighton & Hove.  The project will help people to access work and training, which will contribute to the local economy, and make Brighton & Hove a successful and prosperous city as we move into the 2020’s.”

The city’s Acting director of public health Peter Wilkinson said:  “This award is great news for the health and wellbeing of our residents. As well as supporting access to employment and education, it will help Brighton & Hove to be a more active city. Promoting walking and cycling as an easy option will have benefits not only for physical health, but also for mental health and wellbeing.”

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