Comedy: Ed Eales-White: Champions

One third of award-winning sketch group, Clever Peter, Ed Eales-White strikes out in his first solo show. He tells Victoria Nangle all about it

So, award-winning sketch comedy not good enough? Why the move to a solo show?
“It’s definitely good enough but when you’ve got a few ideas popping about it becomes less of a move and more of an extension. I’m getting a conservatory basically, in comedy terms.”

Clever Peter aren’t splitting up though, are they?
“Absolutely not, we’ve got our BBC Radio 4 series out on the 16th of May at 23.15 for four weeks. We will also be touring a live show around the UK in the autumn and we are currently at the beginnings of writing a Clever Peter TV script. We are very much in it for the long haul.”

How would your best mate describe your solo comedy endeavors?
“Somewhere between ‘you’re a comedy legend in the making’ and ‘is this meant to be funny?’”  

How would you describe that best mate?
“Middle of the road, the bit between the bread, the Renault Megane of friends.”

This is a work in progress show. What is the attraction for punters to see a show at this stage?
“I think it’s the prospect of seeing someone they’ve never seen before do something that if all goes well will be worth at least £6 next time it’s in Brighton. So they could save themselves a quid – tickets are £5 this time. Also I think it’s quite exciting watching shows that are at the early stages of development. Take a risk, come see my Champions.”

What was the last thing that made you laugh in an undignified and whole-hearted manner?
“Good question, lots of things, in all honesty the last thing was probably a sketch idea we had in a Clever Peter writing session. But if you want more undignified, probably in the middle of a speed awareness course I attended the other day when the leader of the session asked the group: ‘What circumstances can lead to a lack of concentration when your driving?’ and someone replied seriously: ‘When I’m ****ed’. Most people laughed a little, I was gone.”

Ed Eales-White: Champions, Upstairs At Three And Ten, Wednesday 18 April, 8pm, £5, 07800 983 290

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