Music for Flute & Guitar, The Benavente Duo

It was drizzling in Brighton this afternoon but inside the Friends’ Meeting House all was Neapolitan sunshine and pure delight. The music of Mauro Giuliani was a perfect antidote to our sad May weather.

Beginning with a sedate ‘Serenade’, Clare Beesley’s wooden flute cooed gently over Peter Lay’s soft guitar accompaniment, but soon the pace quickened. The two ‘Grand Potpouri’ had all the sparkling coloratura of a bel-canto opera.

The period instruments blended perfectly. Even the wood-panelled Meeting Room was contemporary, built at the same year (1806) that Giuliani left Naples to settle in the Vienna of Beethoven and Schubert.

Friends’ Meeting House, 18 May 2012


Andrew Connal

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