Kid Carpet and the Noisy Animals

This one man show is about Kid Carpet, a rock star in a band, who is planning on getting to the dance competition ON TIME. He keeps on being distracted by animals; a drum-playing gorilla, a badger on piano, a singing bear and a hedgehog. He has a fantastic set like a boy’s bedroom full of stuff. A screen at the back projects his tiny toys, filmed by his tiny web cam on stage. There were lots of Jack Black style rock jokes and the four-year-olds in front of me were really rocking out at the beginning of the show. Funny songs were in abundance, a favourite being about bear doing a poo in the forest…

Although only 50 minutes, some kids got fractious at the back, the action seemed to be a long way away for some, and the lack of polish in the performance made it hard to stay focused. This show, whilst a great idea, would have benefited from a more intimate venue.

The Old Market, 19 May 2012


Fleur Sorthouse

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