Brighton man jailed for sexually assaulting disabled woman

A Brighton man has been jailed for three and a half years for sexually abusing a woman who is both physically disabled and mentally handicapped.

Sehar Raj, 52, of Orchid View, Stanmer Heights, Hollingbury, was jailed at Lewes Crown Court after he admitted eight charges of sexually assaulting the vulnerable 22-year-old.

Raj had known his victim for some years when he carried out the abuse from August to October 2010.

Judge Michael Lawson commended the Sussex Police detective who led the investigation that brought Raj to justice.

Sehar Raj

Detective Constable Tracey Dixon, from Brighton and Hove CID, had already been praised by the Crown Prosecution Service for her handling of the matter.

The judge said that this had been a difficult and sensitive case and that DC Dixon was to be commended for her exceptional care, dedication and hard work.

DC Dixon said: “Sehar Raj is a despicable individual who broke the trust and took advantage of a vulnerable adult who was unable to protect herself.

“I am pleased that he received a custodial sentence due to the seriousness of the offences committed and no longer poses a threat to his victim.”

Raj will be put on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely and has also been served with a Sexual Offences Prevention Order for seven years.

The order is to prevent him having contact with the victim and to prohibit him from undertaking any work that is likely to bring him into contact with any other vulnerable women.

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