Holly Cozens explores the differences between Pilates & yoga at Revitalise

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Fancy trying a new exercise class? It can be difficult to find a class that suits you, but we promise that once you have found your preferred class, exercise will not be a chore and you will soon be enjoying the health and wellbeing benefits a class brings. Head to Revitalise for a taster session and then sign up for a course as there are huge savings to be had this way. If you’ve been tempted to try yoga or Pilates but have been put off by the various types, then let us run down the key differences between the classes available at Revitalise so you can find your perfect workout partner…

Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates and works on body conditioning, improving strength, endurance and pelvic alignment. Classes are designed to improve the strength and flexibility of your body but without building on muscle size. Pilates is recommended for those recovering from a sports injury as it stabilises the core muscles of your body: the lower back and abdomen. Concentration on the breath and awareness of correct posture enhances the quality of the exercise, focusing on correct form rather than repetition. Like yoga, it is also great to help relieve stress, correct your posture, prevent injury, and improves balance. Classes include a mat-based workout and those utilising equipment including flex bands, toning balls and foam rollers.

All new Revitalise clients receive a free class, so pay for five weeks and get the sixth week free. Revitalis offers beginner, improver, intermediate, advanced, pregnancy and mother and baby classes, so you are guaranteed to find a class best suited to your needs.

“Yoga is physical but also mental and spiritual”

Yoga is physical but also mental and spiritual. Yoga practice includes mediation to improve spiritual enlightenment. Like Pilates, the health of the spine is focused on, as exercises enhance the spine’s strength and flexibility. By maintaining the spine’s strength, circulation is increased and nerves are supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Yoga is based on the belief that the body and breath are intimately connected with the mind. Controlling your breathing and holding steady poses creates harmony. Exercises are designed to work on your glands and organs as well as your muscles. This leads to more efficient functioning of your inner organs and balance hormones in your endocrine system.

Different types of yoga classes at Revitalise:
Ashtanga Yoga – Suited for active people wanting a workout.
Beginners’ yoga – A great introduction to yoga, without intimidation.
Hatha Yoga – Slow paced and gentle; a good introduction to basic yoga.
Vinyasa flow Yoga – More vigorous style based on the performance of a series of poses called sun salutations.
Yoga with Weights – Class using micro movements and free weights to strengthen, sculpt and tone. Decreases body fat and builds bone density.

Pregnancy Yoga – Benefits mother and baby, helping both to connect while helping mother to relax, preparing for labour.

And, if you can’t decide between Pilates and yoga, Revitalise now offers a combined yoga and Pilates class so you get the best of both! New courses start week commencing 10 September. Find the class for you at Revitalise.

Revitalise, 86 Church Road, Hove, 01273 738389, health@revitalise-u.com and 123A Western Road, Brighton, 01273 710855, brighton@revitalise-u.com,
Visit the website www.revitalise-u.com for special offers.

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