After a two hour queue to get into the venue, support groups Titch, NVS, A.M.E. and Cover Drive were a welcome sight although you could feel that the crowd were holding out for the main act. Things did liven up though when Little Mix performed and got the crowds warmed up, but you could feel the mainly young female audience getting frustrated as there was a half hour wait for JLS to come on stage after them.

However, when they did appear they erupted through the stage like an exploding volcano to the screams of hundreds of young fans. They certainly didn’t disappoint, teaching us their dance moves and ensuring the crowd knew their lines for the audience participation sing-a-long. Despite the pouring rain, they carried on regardless like the true professionals they are. It was obvious by the two encores and screams of “more, more, more” that the young fans would have happily danced and sung along with them in the rain all night. An enjoyable evening in a family-friendly atmosphere.

Sussex County Cricket Club, 27 August 2012
Claire Peerless

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