The Treason Show

This month’s Treason Show offered fewer big laughs than usual and the piano accompaniment was a bit too loud, sometimes obscuring the lyrics. GCSE marking provided lots of comic mileage with a nice Grange Hill spoof and ‘It Must Be Gove, Gove, Gove’ sung to the Madness tune. Daniel Beales’ terrible monacle dysfunction ­during his Patrick Moore impression was hilarious and ‘O Danny Boyle’ to the tune ‘Danny Boy’ hit the mark. The jokes about Jimmy Carr’s tax felt a bit out of date though, and a sketch about women being executed in Afghanistan was in rather poor taste, although the accompanying song, ‘Mr Taliban Man’, was very funny. Amusing overall, but not top vintage Treason Show.

Pavilion Theatre, Worthing, 14 September 2012


Jenni Davidson

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