John Soliman – Heads or Tails

With its fair share of, ‘How the **** did he do that?” moments, magician John Soliman’s show both entertained and intrigued. Structured around the ideas of luck and fate and liberally laced with comedy, courtesy of his statuesque assistant, Janey Mystery, the magic was slickly delivered. The greatest tension was generated by a trick involving a wicked looking knife concealed, point upwards, inside a paper tube. The show’s conclusion, filmed in Gothenburg, neatly pulled all the threads together. Had the show been tighter and faster paced with a little more magic and a little less comedy it would have earned itself another star. Still, being called up on stage to participate in the final elaborate trick was the icing on the cake!

Brighton Dome Studio, 25 September 2012


Gary Mepsted

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