Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster

One of the great acts of the noughties, the Eighties’ have reformed, returning to the stage for a dip in the waters whilst considering their move forward – their motive being: can we work together to make great music? It’s a question that has bothered lead singer Guy McKnight, a beautiful man who lets rip on stage, making way for his inner fire that really could do with a band like this to realise; his full throttle screams tempered by a deep psychobilly tone… Loud and raucous on the surface, the words (courtesy of McKnight) have always carried more weight than many realise, and their songs are all carefully crafted – short and to the point. Sold out and eagerly anticipated, Eighties raced through a greatest hits package with a few new ones thrown in, all lapped up by their crazy hardcore following at the front and the rest of us who once again witnessed The Real Deal.

Concorde 2, 30 October 2012


Jeff Hemmings

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