
With a recent third album under their belts, Lau’s wild and immaculate set demonstrated where they’ve come from and where they’re going. Now incorporating live sampling, Martin Green somehow managed to play the accordion with one hand while looping with the other and this is not just a gimmick; it actually increased the tension that exists anyway in the traditional tune sets. A highlight of the show was Lau’s driving version of the Lal Waterson’s ‘Midnight Feast’, which showcased Kris Drever’s outstanding vocals. But the most exciting piece of the night was definitely ‘Far From Portland’, a mesmerising and disorientating tribute to Tucker Martine, who produced their new album. Known for their love of rehearsing, this came across clearly as they held together incredibly complicated arrangements with slickness and immaculate timing – and they looked like they were having fun too!

Proud Brighton Ballroom, 14 November 2012


Jenni Davidson

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