Celebcity: Joan Rivers, Conor Maynard, Profile shopping event, Elk at Audio and Trevor Sorbie hairstyles

Mum know’s best

A  unique Hove-based boutique found itself the star of the small screen the other week when Hollywood star Joan Rivers popped in to film her new reality show. Nicole Urbanski’s unique shop, based in Church Road, saw Rivers, her daughter Melissa, and a full TV camera crew film scenes for the new season of their reality TV show: Joan & Melissa: Joan knows Best?. Joan was in town as part of her UK tour held at the Brighton Centre and enjoyed indulging in some retail therapy between shows. As co-presenter of America’s controversial Fashion Police TV team, alongside the equally sharp-tongued (but more purple-haired) Kelly Osbourne, Rivers is known for her keen sense of style. So, if you want to escape the ladies fashion-critique in future (you never know where they might turn up next) you might want to stock up on some Nicole Urbanski couture in the near future.

Conor’s call of duty
Brighton boy Conor Maynard was reportedly chatting cheekily with glamour models at the recent Call Of Duty launch party at the Bloomsbury Ballrooms, London. A host of other stars joined Maynard at the event, including the TOWIE lot, Pro Green and his girlfriend Millie McKintosh and comedian Jack Whitehall. You can take the boy out of Brighton…

Dress like a celeb
Profile fashion has long been the go-to destination for label lovers in Brighton; with the likes of Paul McCartney included in its long list of regulars, its range of male, female and children’s fashion is only the best. This Christmas they’re turning their Duke’s Lane stores into a one-stop destination for stylish shopping. On 29 November Profile Brighton, along with other adjoining stores, will be hosting a late night shopping event that not only allows customers to sip on bubbles while they buy some Gucci, but also offers a 10 per cent on all purchases that night. If that isn’t enough to tempt you (and let’s be honest, it really should be) there’s a whole host of VIP guests to be announced as entertainment on the night. Get down there for all your fashion needs this winter – and possibly a few gifts for others, if they’ve been good. Visit profilefashion.com for more details and email rsvp@jb-pr.com if you’d like to attend.

So you heard it here first, Monday night is the new Saturday night and Elk at Audio is the place to be. Packing the venue out on its launch night last week this new club night finally gives Brightonians somewhere decent to hit early in the week. From Disclosure to Santigold, M.I.A to Dr.Dre, Elk gets its inspiration from ‘the vibey districts of East London to the hustle of NYC’, bringing it to the south coast. Our Emma made a trip out on a school night for the launch and it was certainly worth the pain the next day. Visit their Facebook page: facebook.com/elkbrighton

Award-winning hair
Congratulations to Anna Chapman, Art Director at the Trevor Sorbie salon in Brighton, who has been nominated for Southern Hairdresser of the Year at the prestigious 2012 British Hairdressing Awards. Anna, who won Newcomer of the Year at the 2007 British Hairdressing Awards, has worked at the Nile Street salon since it opened in 2004. Trevor himself is, of course, no stranger to success at the British Hairdressing Awards, having won the coveted British Hairdresser of the Year title an unrivalled four times. Winners will be announced at a star-studded ceremony at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel on Monday 26 November – good luck Anna!

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