City Speak: Lucette Davies

As a student in the ’80s most of the people I knew were off protesting about something every weekend. I have the feeling that most of us simply enjoyed protesting and would have found having to say we were not off with a placard at the weekend, somewhat embarrassing.

These days I have got back into the world of campaigning in a more serious and hopefully with a more mature attitude. Once again I am a student, and this time I am at City College Brighton and Hove. Once again I see so much around me and read so much in daily papers that makes me mad. Once again I go off on protests but this time I do a lot of campaigning work as well. It is when I hear about injustices, when people are disadvantaged through no fault of their own, I start getting mad.
Recently I have started thinking and learning a lot about gender equality. I have joined the Fawcett Society, the UK’s leading campaign organisation for gender equality.

The Fawcett Society has a fabulous website with loads of information and a great T-shirt available to anyone who joins. I actually happen to be wearing mine as I write this!

I have learnt that largely this country is getting worse for gender equality. There is a lot the government could do to promote gender equality but I also believe that anyone who wants to can make a difference. Protesting and serious campaign work isn’t for everyone but maybe if you run a business you could be thinking about getting better equality in your workforce. There is a lot of evidence that shows a company with equality at every level of the workforce is a more efficient company.

Maybe people could just think about the people they mix with each day. If you are somebody who at times will make the odd sexist joke, try thinking again and decide if it really is funny. Maybe everyone could just stop and think again and start to challenge any assumptions they have made relating to gender differences. Women are really not getting a fair deal. Our society is discriminating against over 50% of our population.

I am always amazed how differently men and women think but recognise both sexes have their strengths. Our country needs to utilise the strengths of both sexes, and so benefit everybody.

Our economy needs all the help it can get at the moment, perhaps some of that help could be improving our gender equality.

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