Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra, Howard Shelley (guest conductor & piano)

Weber’s invigorating ‘Jubilee’ Overture is perfect for damp afternoons, although the double-basses probably prefer something more sedate! After a cheery fanfare the whole orchestra had a good workout that led up to the stately national anthem of the Kingdom of Saxony, to British ears ‘God Save The Queen’ with the strings rushing up and down scales in a most satisfying frenzy.

Beethoven’s 4th Piano Concerto and Brahms’s 1st Symphony are such dependable staples of the repertoire that it was refreshing to get the perspective of the soloist as conductor, and the audience, including some really young members, responded with cheers!

Coda: At very short notice, Nicholas Ward took John Bradbury’s place as Leader. Here’s wishing John a steady and full recovery.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 25 November 2012


Andrew Connal

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