Film: Great Expectations (12A) & I, Anna (15)

Great Expectations (12A)

Dir: Mike Newel
The Dickens classic is revisisted, with Helena Bonham Carter donning the dusty lace as Miss Haversham and new thesp pin-up in town Jeremy Irvine as Pip. A tale of rags to riches, and then the riches are in peril when their source comes to light. Also starring Ralph Fiennes and Jason Flemyng.
Released Fri 30 Nov
Showing at Odeon and Cineworld

I, Anna (15)

Dir: Barnaby Southcombe
One of the many debut films showing as a part of the Cinecity Festival, I, Anna, tells of Anna Welles (Charlotte Rampling) a divorcée who reluctantly attends a speed-dating evening, only to find herself embroiled in a murder mystery. Crossing paths with detective Bernie Reid (Gabriel Byrne) the chemistry is immediate. Followed by Q&A with director Barnaby Southcombe.
Released Friday 23 Nov

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