Grand variety

Behind the scenes of The Grand Hotel with Sales Manager Amy Leatham

As the iconic Brighton hotel continues with its £5 million refurbishment, we find out what goes on behind the scenes at The Grand from key members of its staff.
Sales Manager Amy Leatham says: “As Sales Manager I work predominantly with businesses in and around Sussex on their events. We are extremely fortunate to be able to offer 11 fantastic spaces here at The Grand with excellent flexibility, meaning our spaces are particularly desirable for companies, local societies and, of course, the public too. From conferences, meetings, weddings, banquets and special occasions, there really is a great variety.

I came to The Grand six years ago after working for Granada Television Manchester within the production team of 60 Minute Makeover, which was lots of fun – and unbelievably they do actually finish the makeover in an hour!

I started as the hotel’s event co-ordinator, progressing to deputise the Conference Sales Office, and have recently moved into the role of Sales Manager.
Since I’ve been here we are a lot more involved in the city’s community, with our work with the Mini Mile and local charities, I really think we have shed our image of being quite formal and imposing to become a welcoming and warm place to even pop in for a cup of coffee or one of our famous cocktails. Everyone is welcome here.

We’ve had some really interesting events here at the hotel. Over my time at The Grand the BBC held a number of events here and every time they transformed the entire Empress Suite. Once they recreated the Top Gear studio in the suite and on another occasion they had the famous Audi Quattro from Ashes To Ashes staged in The Pavilion. They actually had to build the car when they were in the hotel. The most memorable event they had was to celebrate David Attenborough’s programme Frozen Planet. They had an animatronic Polar Bear which was six feet tall when it stood on its back legs! It was walking round the lobby and was so realistic I had to fight the urge to run away.

We have some fantastic conference rooms here at The Grand, The Empress Suite is officially the largest sea-facing conference suite in the city, and the glass Pavilion has to be the best place in Brighton to enjoy a private drinks reception, especially when the sun sets and the star ceiling lights are twinkling. The Albert Room is beautiful with its grand chandeliers and high ceilings. The room is incredibly long and graceful, making it perfect for wedding ceremonies.

My favourite room is the Regent Room, which was originally the hotel library; the original features such as the wood panelling have been retained. The male gentry used to retire here after dinner and I can still imagine them smoking cigars and having a night cap now.

There is no mistaking the character of The Grand, yet the current refurbishment has certainly made a difference to many of our event spaces, just in time for Christmas party season!

To book The Grand for your Christmas party or other special occasions, contact the conference office on 01273 224300.
The Grand, 97–99 King’s Road,
Brighton, BN1 2FW

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