Shaping up nicely: Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Club

Move it, lose it, love it, at your local Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Club

Do you want to be the proud owner of a wonderful new body? For people who would like to lose weight, get fit, and improve their self-confidence whilst having fun, help is at hand from Brighton to Newhaven. For members of local Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Clubs instructor Lesley Jeavons’ classes, this is already happening!

Michelle Baker before

“What a busy, successful and eventful 2012 we’ve had!” says local instructor, Lesley. “My members and I have seen so many amazing achievements. “Many have already reached their target weight, with one member Michelle Baker, who has lost an inspirational 4st 1lbs and has dropped an incredible three dress sizes, going from a size 18 to a size 12.”
Michelle joined Lesley’s Zumba class in Saltdean as she was feeling frumpy, overweight, unfit and un-sexy. The classes, which include a weigh in, personal chat, motivational talk and exercise session, were exactly what Michelle felt she needed to help her get fit – and at the same time lose weight and tone up. To Michelle’s delight she enjoyed the classes and starting losing weight straight away.

Michelle Baker after

“Being overweight was making me feel unhappy. I didn’t like being bigger than friends, having to go to the back of the rail to buy clothes or looking in the mirror and never being happy with what I saw. I joined the Rosemary Conley class because I wanted a group that encouraged exercise too. I had tried losing weight before, but always gave up too soon and never kept the weight off. But I thought this is it – I’m going to do it and stick at it. I now exercise four to five times a week and am fitter and more toned than I have ever been”.

Lesley, who runs 10 classes throughout the week in Brighton, Saltdean and Newhaven says, “It’s amazing what you can achieve with help and support in our classes. We encourage each other’s progress and we are there for each other when support is needed.

“I’m so proud of Michelle and it’s been amazing to watch her change shape before my eyes. I lost four stone myself so know what it’s like to be overweight but also how amazing the feeling is to lose it.

“I have a job that I love and I am trying to help people to achieve their goals and hopefully change their lives for the better too. The exercise sessions are varied and fun and include aerobics, Zumba, Kardy-O-Fun and toning to name a few. The exercises can be adapted to suit any ability, so even people who have not exercised before can join in and enjoy the classes.”

For details of how Lesley can help you to lose weight and get fitter and healthier too, call Lesley Jeavons on 01273 915097 or visit

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