Big Cheer For Amaze! No 3

This annual fundraiser for local charity Amaze is fast becoming a comedy calendar must-see. The evening’s proceedings were well programmed for the audience, with the Raymond & Mr Timpkins Revue proving once again that their tightly choreographed and brilliantly childish visual and musical puns are a winning formula. Following them, John Moloney’s well-meansured and delightfully articulate pendantry pulled the mania down a notch without robbing the room of humour-charged energy. Angela Barnes delivered her rich personal material in such a manner as to draw the many-tiered audience into her world intimately, with a distinct contemporary and fresh edge. And then Phill Jupitus rounded off proceedings, sauntering on stage as the god-daddy of comedy, throwing out some utterly engaging impersonations of Eddie Izzard and Brian Cox, before diving into the meat of his material as a man about town and tortured father of daughters.

A special mention must be made of Ray Peacock, who hosted the night and had me fully dizzy with laughter within the first 15 minutes of the show with his perfect audience banter, following whatever he was delivered and embracing it in a massive comedy bear hug.

A fabulous night that had me exhausted with laughter – I can’t wait for Big Cheer Fro Amaze No 4.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 7 February 2013


Victoria Nangle

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