Lee Hurst – Too Scared To Leave The House

Lee Hurst is an excellent presence on stage, creating a rapport with his audience from the moment the lights went up on his familiar domed head. This was a show of two halves, the first section had Hurst provide a warm-up for himself, chatting with the front row, and sharing his various ailments with us all and finding kindred spirits. The second half got into the meat of the show, in which Lee revealed his own fears and addressed those of the audience he had collected on pieces of paper during the interval. With a cheeky cockney grin, and an attitude that sailed close to the wind of being politically incorrect occasionally but was met with squeals of enjoyment, Hurst’s compere skills were in evidence after years of hosting his own club in London. A good value evening out peppered with all the laughs you would expect from such a comedy veteran.

The Old Market, 23 February 2013


Victoria Nangle

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