
Spilt a drink recently? You may have found yourself at Elliot Gleave’s gig! AKA: EG (his initials.) AKA: Example (his stage name.) A very loud and visually impressive set led an uninhibited crowd jumping from the very first beat to singing lyrics back ‘Love kickstarts again’ with understood awakening until way after the band had left.

The venue was charmed two fold, by Example’s ability to carry a heavy sound as if it were a floating bubble, and by an awe-striking light show (on its own it would have been worth the ticket.) From illuminated ambience, to sweeping beats of fanatical colour, this was music entertainment very likely and loudly taking place in the stomach of megatron. Lights this big and sounds this loud complimented the Brighton Centre, offering a lively and rambunctious smackdown usually reserved for festival-going.

The emphatic resounding crowd received hits from 2012 album ‘Evolution Of Man’, as well as the previous sell out tour albums, and were (ironically) lead by example to hug one another, to put hands on each others shoulders (creating a rather impressive web of arms and camaraderie) and to put our hands and friends in the air. It seems Elliot is as much a fan of his audience as the audience are of him.

Example not only made examples of themselves, of their crowd and of the venue but of all bands who do not put on a show. This was loud, it was messy, it was lit up, it was exemplary.

The Brighton Centre, 26 February 2013


Ben Darling

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