Juice FM’s Hannah Neter prepares to don her super hero outfit for Brighton Heroes Run

Eco warrior

I am not a runner. I’ve tried but I’m built for strength rather than speed or stamina. I did a 10k run once but vowed never to do so again as I hadn’t trained, and subsequently, was unable to climb stairs for a week afterwards. Then the Heroes Run came along! The event lured me in with its relaxed attitude to running and any excuse to dress up works for me, especially when it’s for as worthy a cause as Pass It On Africa. I’ve entered the 5k so my body doesn’t go into shock. So far I’ve counted my training as walking home from work but with the race approaching (Sunday 19 May)

I need to step it up a gear. I really don’t want to be the one who walks the course. The question now is which superheroine to dress as? I’ve been to watch the run before and the costumes are incredible. The event is quite unique in the way it attracts lots of non runners and families. It’s a real spectacle to watch over 1,000 runners tear along Brighton and Hove seafront. I’ve seen plenty of runners dressed as Batman, Spiderman and Superman, right through to families dressed as The Flintstones and Supermario characters.

I have done some research into superheroines to see which inspire me, ideally, to actually run! Worryingly, many of those who possess the best powers also have a very toned midriff which they like to flaunt in tiny hotpants. There is a reason I am on the radio and not in front of any cameras. I am not a midriff barer, luckily for you!

Around the time I was thinking of who to dress up as (a task I’ve taken worryingly seriously) there were some issues at Seven Dials with a 130-year-old Elm Tree which was to be chopped down so that the much needed improvements to the roundabout could be made.

Protesters gathered at the tree, with some even camping up the tree until the tree was guaranteed it would be saved. I loved the dedication and passion of the lovely people who wanted to save the tree. Which super hero could have helped them (who didn’t have a bare midriff!)?

The answer was obvious. Batman’s Poison Ivy! According to Wikipedia “Poison Ivy is depicted as one of the world’s most prominent eco-warriors. She is obsessed with plants, botany, and environmentalism. She uses toxins from plants and mind controlling pheromones for her criminal activities, which are usually aimed at protecting the natural environment.” Perfect!

So that is who I’m dressing up as on Sunday 19 May for the Brighton Heroes Run. Hear how my training is going by tuning in to Juice Breakfast with myself, Dan Gasser and Jonno, every weekday from 6am. Just judge me gently though as I take to the course – I am not built for speed!
Join Hanna and all the other superheroes by entering now www.heroesrun.org.uk

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