Bare Cheek: A local vicar writes

With Rev Timothy Hopkins, vicar of St Stephen and All Saints Church

Hello again all.
You know, last Sunday, after I had given what I flatter myself to have been a particularly successful sermon (during which I alluded to the popular music “pin up” Harry Styles – I don’t think I’m giving too much away if I say the gist of the sermon was that those who wish peace and love in their hearts have only one direction in which they should go)
I was approached by a young girl following the service. A moppet of some ten years of age, she is the daughter of a couple who attend the services regularly. I believe her name is Angelina.

At any rate she approached with a very serious expression on her face. Apparently the two year-old brother of a schoolmate had recently been killed in a road accident, and she wanted to know why Our Lord would allow this to happen to an innocent, while keeping a murderous psychopath like Mugabe alive and healthy for 89 years.

Now, I gave her the old “moves in mysterious ways” schtick, but, let’s be honest, even I think that’s cobblers. I’ve a horrible feeling she’s going to be back next week with the same question, and I’m stumped. If anyone can think of
an answer I’d be very grateful. Please drop me an email at or tweet my all-new Twitter account @RevTim.

What was that?

Can’t remember the name of a film, book, song or similar? Mike Hunter is the hombre with all the answers

Dear Mike,
If you can help me with this one you’re a genius. Everyone I know is completely baffled when I ask them. I’m thinking of a cartoon character who was popular when I was a kid – some kind of rodent with big, round, black ears, short dungarees, and a cheerful demeanour.

I think this character spoke in a high-pitched voice and I have a vague recollection that he hung around with a bad-tempered duck and what was presumably a dog with some kind of learning difficulty. I have a feeling this character was immensely iconic, and that he was the subject of the first ever cartoon with synchronized sound (something set on a tugboat if memory serves.)

I understand this may be very obscure, but please do your best.
Thanks very much,
Thomas Pippin, Hove

Dear Thomas,
Obscure? What do you think this is – some sort of “Mickey Mouse” organisation? Only kidding! The cartoon character to whom you refer is, of course, Fritz the Cat, created by underground cartoonist Robert Crumb and the subject of films made in 1972 and 1974.
Hope this helps and please keep those letters flooding in.
Mike X

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