Rob Auton – The Yellow Show

From the moment Rob Auton pinned up his celebratory ‘Yellow’ banner and then started draping his audience with yellow streamers, it was clear that this was more than a casual theme to his show. His persona is clearly obsessed with the colour, mixing poetry with oddball comedy to its glory, sweet and generous in his sweetness and his sweeties (lemon sherbets). He knows the show is ‘hit and miss’, not helped any further in this instance by the fact that half of his audience are Finnish GCSE students, whom he does his best not to exclude. Auton is ernest, enjoyable and rather endearing – and through the loose structure of his show can be caught snatches of bright and colourful originality that mark him as an interesting voice to keep an eye on.

The Burrow, 11 May 2013


Victoria Nangle

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