Stage: Bullet Catch

The Bullet Catch is the greatest challenge for any illusionist. A stunt so dangerous that even the great Houdini refused to attempt it, it has claimed the lives of numerous illusionists, assistants and spectators since its conception in 1613. Now, with a little help from his audience, modern-day marvel William Wonder presents a theatrical magic show featuring storytelling, mind-reading, levitation, games of chance and – if you’re brave enough to stay for it – the most notorious finale in showbusiness.

Tense and thought-provoking, it balances suspense and humour with a perceptive exploration of despair and of the nature of choice. Having premiered with a splash at Edinburgh’s prestigious Traverse Theatre, supported by Creative Scotland and Made In Scotland, we are very lucky to have this critically acclaimed production in town.
Written and performed by Rob Drummond.

Spiegeltent, The Famous Spiegel Garden, Thursday 16–Sunday 19 May, 7.30pm, £15, Festival Standby £10, 01273, 709709,

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