Brighton and Hove NHS supporters to hold 65th anniversary celebrations

Supporters of the NHS are holding a series of celebrations in Brighton tomorrow (Friday 5 July) to mark the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Health Service.

One of the events – a “Hands around the trust” – is taking place at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Kemp Town from 12.30pm to 1pm.

The hospital is run by the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.

The GMB union, which is organising the event with the Save Our NHS campaign group, said: “Balloons, cake and other celebratory paraphernalia will be available.”

The union said that further celebrations would take place between 3pm and 7pm on the lawns of St Peter’s Church in York Place, Brighton.

Afterwards a showing of Michael Moore’s film Sicko will take place at the Caroline of Brunswick pub in Ditchling Road, by The Level.

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