Bare cheek: Have your say

The recent strike by bin men, due to an attempt by the council to impose pay cuts, has seen Brighton’s streets strewn with dangerous refuse. So what do you think of it all?

I thought Brighton was much improved by this strike, but then again I am a rat.
Rattus Rattus, Hove

I usually get woken up by the bin men clanking the bins about 5.00 in the morning, so the last week has been the first time in years
I’ve got a decent night’s sleep!
Chris Rectum, Aldrington

I think that if the bin men smartened themselves up a bit it would improve morale, and they’d be less likely to strike. I’d like to see them clean-shaven with dinner jackets and bow ties, and patent leather shoes. Come on bin men – let’s see a bit of sartorial elegance!
Agnes Mangles, Hove

I myself have had to take a pay cut of 40% during this time of austerity, but do you find me running to the trades union to organise a strike? No sir, you do not. I merely put my shoulder to the grindstone and solider on, counting my blessings that I am not destitute.
Ben Dover, Rottingdean

As a protest I have put my recycling in the rubbish bin and my refuse in the recycling bin. That’ll show ’em.
Ken Gilgamish, Coldean

I thought, if anything, Brighton looked slightly tidier than usual during the recent strike.
Lesley Garnet, Hollingbury

What’s not on film

Point-Missing Superhero Flick (PG)
2.00, 4.00, 6.30, 8.00

Some Nonsense About Street Dancing, Inexplicably Co-Starring Colin Welland And David Warner (PG)
10.30, 12.00, 2.00, 4.00

Godawful Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn Comedy Of The Type You Had Hoped And Prayed They’d Stopped Making (15)
2.30, 4.30, 6.30, 8.30

The Utter, Absolute Dregs Of The Whole Zombie Craze That Zombies Themselves Would Probably Not Deign To Watch (12A)
3.00, 6.00, 9.30, 11.00

Baz Luhrmann Literary Adaptation That Will Literally Make You Want To Commit Suicide (12A)
2.00, 3.45, 4.30, 6.00

DUKE OF LANCASTER’S Incredibly Dull And Worthy American Documentary About Itinerant Shrimp Fishers Or Something (15)
2.30, 6.30

French Period Drama That’s A Bit Boring But Has That Bird From Amélie In It Your Girlfriend Likes So You Have To Go And See It (15)
3.00, 6.00

British Horror Film That’s Quite Good For The First Thirty-Five Minutes (15)
6.00, 8.30

Something Turkish And Magical-Realismy You’ll Regret Forking Out £9.50 For About Ten Minutes In (12A)
7.00, 12.00

Piss-Take From Lars Von Trier Bafflingly Taken Seriously By The Critics (18)
4.00, 10.00

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