Bare cheek: What was that?

Mike Hunter has the answers

Can’t remember the name of a book, song or film? Mike Hunter is the man with the answers….

Dear Mike,
My film buff friend and I are engaged in a long-standing row; I am certain he is wrong, but need your help to prove it.

The row concerns a black-and-white film I dimly remember from childhood. Its plot follows the attempts by a well-known filmmaker to capture footage of a fabled beast on an uncharted island. Accompanying him is a beautiful, blonde actress, who, on arrival, is seized by the primitive islanders and offered as sacrifice to this creature – a stupendous ape, fully 30 feet tall. The beast falls for the woman’s charms and absconds with her. After a series of improbable adventures, the ape is eventually overcome and shipped to New York where, breaking its bonds, it runs rampage, finally meeting its end in a justly celebrated cinematic sequence atop the Empire State Building.

I vaguely recall the last line went something like ‘It was Beauty killed the Beast’ and that the ground-breaking, full orchestral score by Max Steiner is considered one of film music’s true masterpieces.

My friend insists what is described here is Mighty Joe Young. But, despite some superficial similarities, it could not be more different. For one thing, the era is completely wrong. It’s just so frustrating. Please, please, please can you help!
P. Diddy, Hove

Dear Mr Diddy
It sounds like you and your friend have been having a right old ‘Ding Dong’. A phrase which, ironically, is very close to giving you your title. But supposing, instead, you’d both had a good old ‘Sing Song’, you’d be equally close. Got it yet? That’s right. The film in question is none other than that much-loved cinematic classic Jules et Jim by Francois Truffaut, starring Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner and Henri Serre. Keep those letters flooding in!


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