Fracking protesters switch focus to Brighton for Labour conference

Anti-fracking protesters will be switching their focus to Brighton this morning (Saturday 21 September) with the arrival of the Labour Party conference.

Women from Brighton, Balcombe and across the country will be gathering to meet MPs and councillors to draw attention to the risks of fracking.

Friends of the Earth, Frack Free Sussex and No Fibs (No Fracking in Balcombe Society) are among the organisations meeting at 11.15am today opposite the Hilton Brighton Metropole hotel.

They hope to persuade the Labour leadership to reject fracking – or hydraulic fracturing – a process used to extract shale gas from under the ground.

Last month the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas was arrested in Balcombe during a protest against the practice.

She is currently on police bail and is due to find out on Wednesday (25 September) whether she will be charged.

Balcombe village was the site of test drilling by the energy company Cuadrilla.

Friends of the Earth aid: “The government gave the green light to fracking for shale gas in the UK in late 2012.

“This is a misguided gamble that we do not need to take.

“Fracking for shale gas brings serious risks to the local environment and people’s health and is unlikely to cut energy bills.

“Proposals for fracking are meeting strong opposition in the UK, as they have throughout the world.

“Shale gas is unconventional, unnecessary and unwanted.”

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