Brighton parliamentary candidate to open Labour conference

One of Labour’s two parliamentary candidates in Bri a ghton is to open the party conference tomorrow (Sunday 22 September) in front of the national and international media.

The Brighton and Hove Independent reported that Purna Sen, the Labour candidate in Brighton Pavilion at the next general election, was to be given the honour.

But the real audience is closer to home as Dr Sen indicated when she said: “We have a unique fight at the coming election to return a Labour MP to Westminster rather than the existing Green Party MP (Caroline Lucas).”

The free weekly newspaper reported Dr Sen as saying: “Local voters know that only by voting Labour can we remove this disastrous and damaging coalition government.

“David Cameron targets the poor, the weak and the sick.

“The ‘bedroom tax’ has thrown 50,000 people into arrears on payment of their rent, people who are in danger of eviction just as winter is coming on.

“Instead of protecting the few, as David Cameron is doing, Labour will build an economy that works for all.”

Nancy Platts, who is standing for Labour in Brighton Kemptown, has written a first-person piece about the conference in the current issue of the Brighton and Hove Independent.

She said: “The Labour conference attracts 10,000 visitors and they bring in around £15 million for local shops, hotels, pubs and restaurants.”

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