Revitalise: wellbeing benefits of colonic irrigation
Did you know: the healthy transit time of food through our bodies is less than 24 hours? On average in the UK it is now 60 hours for men and 70 hours for women – making us the most constipated nation in the world as we should have a bowel movement after every meal! What’s more, one in three people consulting a GP have a digestive complaint. Digestive disorders are now widespread. Toxins are re-absorbed through the wall of the colon directly into the bloodstream. Our systems are being heavily polluted by this continually increasing accumulation of waste matter from food and normal body processes.
Colonic hydrotherapy clears old faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances in the colon, improving elimination. This leads to better digestion so you get less gas, bloating and food intolerances, more energy, clearer skin, more mental clarity and fewer headaches. It also helps many circulatory, immune and weight problems and can improve many joint conditions.
The idea of having a colonic can be daunting but it’s really not as bad as you may think! The modesty of the client is preserved to the utmost during the process, so you never feel very exposed. An appointment at Revitalise is 75 minutes in length, but much of this time is taken with a consultation and explanation conducted by a well trained and caring professional before the treatment, and nutritional and lifestyle advice after the treatment.
Benefits of colonic hydrotherapy
• Cleanse the colon: Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body. In this very real sense a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment.
• It exercises the colon muscles: The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristaltic (muscular contraction) activity by which the colon naturally moves material.
• It reshapes the colon: When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its shape that in turn causes more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with the massage techniques of the colon therapist helps to eliminate bulging pockets of waste and narrowed, spastic constrictions finally enabling the colon to resume its natural state.
• It stimulates reflex points: Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. Colonic stimulates these points, affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way.
The actual treatment takes about 30 minutes. During this period, filtered water is introduced into the colon gently using only the pressure of gravity. With specific massage techniques, the water begins to soften any deposits and cleanse the colon of faecal matter, which is instantly piped away with the waste water.
The number of treatments required depends on factors including your age, dietary intake, lifestyle and previous colonic treatments and other cleanses undertaken.
Countless thousands of colonics have been given safely and the water pressure used is very low so there is no danger of any bowel damage. Unlike laxatives, colon hydrotherapy is not habit forming and actually improves and restores muscle tone. Revitalise has carried out over 8,000 safe and effective colonic treatments and all therapists are either I-ACT or Colonic Association registered. They are currently offering £10 off your first session (pay £60) or £30 off two sessions (pay £100).
Revitalise also stocks a range of health related products in their shop including detox products and food supplements.
Revitalise, 86 Church Road, Hove, 01273 738389,,