The UK’s Green city turns blue

GiveMeTap partners with SodaStream to get Brighton tapped

GiveMeTap are proud to introduce the latest addition to the Tap Network family of cities. Brighton has officially been tapped thanks to the support of SodaStream, the makers of home-carbonated drinks machines and their latest ‘Ecostream’ campaign.

SodaStream, Brighton already offers free, filtered tap water, served still or sparkling. Beyond this, they now will be the first retailers outside of London to stock our GiveMeTap stainless-steel water bottles.

By being part of the GiveMeTap scheme, Ecostream will be contributing to the reduction of plastic bottle waste in Brighton and making tap water more easily accessible while simultaneously promoting the GiveMeTap water projects in Africa.

The Water Guy and Founder of GiveMeTap, Edwin Broni-Mensah is delighted to have SodaStream on board: “It is always so exciting to introduce a new city to GiveMeTap. SodaStream have contributed to something brilliant and we can’t wait for the rest of Brighton to follow in their footsteps and join the movement.”

As the first retailers in Brighton, they will also be helping the city’s population stay healthy and hydrated in a more economic and environmentally sustainable way. This fits in remarkably with the city’s Green Initiative, headed by the ruling Green Party.

Plastic waste is a major issue in this country. The Brighton Bin Strikes of June, 2013, publicised the mountains of recyclable waste that could have otherwise contributed to a sustainable future.

Through Ecostream, SodaStream have not only set the bar for other potential retailers, but they have also provided an opportunity for cafés in Brighton to increase their footfall and eventually their customer base.

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