Brighton Marina teaming up with City Academy Whitehawk

Kirsty Pollard on teaming up with City Academy Whitehawk

Brighton Marina businesses have teamed up to lend their support to the new City Academy Whitehawk, providing fun activities as performance rewards in recognition for the hardest working classes at the school throughout the year.

The first reward event will treat the top year group this half term at Bowlplex in February, with refreshments provided by Land Securities who part own Brighton Marina.

This partnership has been facilitated by the Fonthill Foundation, a charitable education trust which supports the academy in many ways. This recently included providing 52 iPads last term, already being
put to effective use in the classrooms.

Roedean School is lending their support to this community partnership for East Brighton children, by providing transport for the reward days out.
“We are delighted to be able to encourage our pupils with such an exciting opportunity to reward good performance and hard work, and we want to thank our partners at Brighton Marina, Fonthill
Foundation and Roedean for helping make this possible,” said David Williams, Headteacher at City Academy Whitehawk.

“All the building blocks are now in place to help the children meet academic success at the academy: we have a full staff team and our students are working really hard with above average attendance
records and clear targets to meet – and this fantastic partnership with local organisations can help us and the children go the extra mile.”

Kirsty Pollard,Brighton Marina’s Marketing and Events Manager

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