Long Live The Little Knife

This could have fallen apart in so many different ways, but so well was it assembled and performed that it hung together like Victorian railings, filled with character and its own history and a firm sense of it’s own self. Based around the premise that writer/director David Leddy met a couple of grifters on a pub and transcribed their story, this tells exciting tales of short and long cons, colourful characters as well as darker turns, and a core desire for a family from both of our protagonists. Actors Neil McCormack and Wendy Seager are captivating as they lead us through the maze of a caper, never losing us in its complexities or our sympathy as the charming con artists. The staging is bare but rich, with light, sound and an immersive delivery all coming together beautifully.

Studio Theatre, Brighton Dome, 14 May 2014


Victoria Nangle

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