The Beethoven Project, Part 3: Elias String Quartet

Congratulations! After six concerts of sixteen quartets and a quintet, Elias triumphantly concluded their series of Beethoven quartets with the Grand Fugue, one of music’s outstanding masterpieces. Their sensible programming (an early, mature and late quartet in each concert), and convincing interpretation informed the whole series. Apparently, Op.18 No.4 in C minor was the most popular quartet during Beethoven’s lifetime and Elias beautifully demonstrated how.

Donald Grant (violin) obligingly explained why Op.74 is called ‘The Harp’, and Sara and Marie Bitloch (violin and cello) introduced Op.130 and illustrated the ‘Grosse Fuge’, greatly helping us appreciate the many subtleties of their interpretation.

All Saints’ Church, 23 May 2014


Andrew Connal

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