Behind the scenes of Latest TV with Richard Shayler

Picture perfect

What do never-before-seen photographs, magic, health walks and ceramics have in common? Apart from all being awesome, they are also all the things Latest TV has been nailing recently!

Brighton Lights’ presenter Guy Lloyd went down to 14 Sillwood Street in Brighton to find out all about George Douglas. George was a prolific photographer who took iconic photos of celebs from the 1940s and 1950s. Known as ‘Speedy George’, he was not only great at sprinting but also a brilliant photographer, setting the benchmark for his peers. When he passed away he left a filing cabinet full of photos to a good friend of his, Roger Bramber. Roger is also a great snapper working for a host of newspapers. When he opened the cabinet, Roger simply couldn’t believe what he found. It contained thousands of stills of celebrities from George’s era. The likes of Spike Milligan, Gary Cooper and Audrey Hepburn are all there to name but a few. The collection is thought to be priceless, and several museums have already expressed interest in exhibiting it. Right now, though, they can all be seen at 14 Sillwood Street as part of the Open House Festival. You should all zoom down there and check it out. But remember, stay focused.

Moving on, the ‘What The Waffle’ team went up to Sussex University, wands in hand, to get some lessons from the Magic Society. Paula learnt how to do a magic trick, and Jessica was an integral part of a trick that really needs to be seen to be believed. I can’t really say much more, magician’s code and all that! Yes, we all feel like we are magicians now. I was filming and I brought my rabbits with me. They started the day as normal rabbits and finished it as magical ones: into the hat they went, but they never came out. If anyone’s seen Fluffy or Floppy, tell them I’ll be at home waiting, with lots of carrots.

Speaking of which, Guy Lloyd often describes his physique as ‘fluffy’ and ‘floppy’, which is why he jumped at the chance to learn all about speed health walking with Debbie Bridge. Every Wednesday at 7:15am these fitness fanatics meet on Colman Avenue in Hove for a 45 minute power walking session. There are some truly inspirational people who attend these sessions. We caught up with one member who has not only survived breast cancer, but also ran a marathon to raise money for the fight against it! She was even wearing her pink bra t-shirt, which both Guy and I were very jealous of.

So, what about those ceramics I hear you say? Well, Lynn Ruth Miller went to artist Kay Aplin’s house and found out all about this beautiful art form. Kay has made some stunning ceramic pieces and has even started to make household items out of the stuff. Lynn did wonder why her tea tasted a little weird… and is now really starting to doubt those digestive biscuits.

Keep checking out – there’s some some great stuff on there from the sports and news teams… as ever!

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