Peter Tatchell to address fire service’s Pride conference in Brighton

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell is to address a conference organised by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in Brighton on the eve of Pride.

Mr Tatchell is the main speaker at the “We don’t talk about that” conference at the Thistle hotel on Friday 1 August.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Gary Ferrand said: “East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service has a long history of supporting Brighton Pride.

“We always take part in the parade and can be found at the Park (Preston Park) helping give fire safety advice as well as having fun.

Gary Ferrand

Gary Ferrand

“This year we wanted to do something extra and look at a specific issue in detail.

“Our conference is an opportunity to openly discuss the issues facing the Asian LGBT and the trans communities.

“We have speakers who will share their personal experiences and expertise in this area.

“We are pleased that Peter Tatchell has accepted our invitation to speak at the event and would encourage anyone who is interested in finding out more about the event to get in touch.”

Mr Tatchell said: “Congratulations to the East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service and the Asian Fire Service Association for organising this timely, valuable conference.

“Very commendably, it addresses specific and often neglected issues.

“My talk will suggest equality and diversity lessons in schools as a way of tackling racism, homophobia and all forms of prejudice to create an inclusive, compassionate society.”

The day will include workshops and networking opportunities.

The Trans and Asian LGBT Conference is due to take place at the Brighton Thistle Hotel in King’s Road, Brighton, from 9.30am to 4.30pm on Friday 1 August.

Places are limited. To register, contact

More information can be found at

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