Brighton after-school club voted best in the country

Kids in Brighton and Hove have a new reason to be cheerful after their city was officially declared the home of the best after-school club in the country.

In a national competition voted for by 90,000 parents and carers, The Outdoors Project beat off competition to win the title of “best after school clubs for 5 to 12-year-olds” as part of the What’s on 4 Juniors awards programme.

The company, which currently works with 700 children a week across thirty schools in the city, offers outdoor adventure through a range of activities including bush craft, survival skills and woodland games.

Their emphasis is on getting kids to be active and engaged with the outside world on their doorstep.

Founder Joel Evans said: “We’re ecstatic to have won this national award.

“It’s a massive testament to the kids at our clubs and the fantastic staff at The Outdoors Project. We’d like to say ‘thank you’ to all the mums, dads and carers that have voted for us.

“We’re passionate about bringing nature into kids’ lives and we’re delighted that local families believe in what we do and have shown their support. It’ll definitely inspire us to keep reaching out to more kids across the city and beyond.”

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