Cardiac Comedy

Local comic and MC Dave Blood has put together a remarkable fundraiser for the British Heart Foundation, bringing together a collection of some of the most enjoyable comics on the circuit at the moment – from the biting straight-to-the-gut marvellous honesty of Seann McLoughlan, to the TV panel-show regular Angela Barnes, who was on particular good form at Komedia tonight in returning to a much-loved former home. And that was only the first half.

The second half felt a little more old school in its programming (although this was a last minute running order due to troublesome trains), with Gerry K kicking off affably with strong laughs, and Rudi Lickwood headlining the whole shebang to raucous appreciation.

Not only was this a hugely successful fundraiser, with over £2,000 for the charity, it was also a wonderfully funny gig. What a marvellous combination.

Komedia, 24 September 2014


Victoria Nangle

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