Tasha Dhanraj on having a successful sibling

I have probably mentioned a few times now that my sister plays one of the main characters in a new kids’ TV show. Now, that TV show has won an award. She’s been in LA for a few days for the awards ceremony, while me and my mum have been sitting at home watching it this afternoon on our non-plasma, non-HD television, so we can’t even feel like we’re actually there. It does mean that we can watch it with eager anticipation on Sky+ and pause it every time any person with dark hair and olive skin appears on the screen in case it is her. It doesn’t make sense that we’re so excited about watching her on television at an awards ceremony, when we’re perfectly accustomed to watching her on television every day of the week anyway.

When they announced the winner of ‘Best TV Show’, my mum and I were so excited, because despite it happening last night, Tasie didn’t bother to call us to let us know. Only two of the characters got to accept the award on the main stage. I’m pretty sure the reason Tasie wasn’t chosen to accept it was to save her the embarrassment of being too short to look over the podium. Because of that, the longest time she was on screen was when The Black Eyed Peas went up to collect their prize and Will.I.Am touched her hand as he walked past.

“Almost all parts of my life have become Tasie-focused”

Life hasn’t changed much since Tasie’s become famous-ish, except everything feels a lot more dramatic and Tasie-focused. I can be half-way through explaining a serious problem with college, but the second she comes in with a difficult decision about whether to wear a jacket to her meeting or not my problems become insignificant. Almost all parts of my life have become Tasie-focused.

Even my Twitter has become overridden with fans of my sister who want to ask me questions about whether there’ll be a second season, or whether Tasie really is my sister, or what her favourite biscuit is…

Even people at college are a bit Tasie crazy. Well, not everyone, just the boys. My sister is very pretty, and they’ve now realised this and so any time I mention
my sister it is met by several comments about how ‘peng’ she is.

I don’t want to sound bitter at all – I’m not. It is so amazing that Tasie has achieved so much. I guess I’m just jealous that I didn’t get to touch Will.I.Am’s hand.

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