National TV election debates exclude Greens

The Green Party is taking legal advice after the four main national broadcasters excluded Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas from the televised election debates.

The BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky have said that the UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage is to take part even though he is not an MP.

Mr Farage is, though, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for South East England, which includes Brighton and Hove and the leader of his party.

Dr Lucas tweeted: “Taking legal advice over Green exclusion from TV debates. Apparently ‘messy’ to have too many candidates. Democracy IS messy – sort it out!”

She won her seat at the 2010 general election to become Britain’s first green MP having previously served as an MEP. She was also the leader of her party until two years ago.

The plan outlined today (Monday 13 October) would see Sky and Channel 4 broadcast a head-to-head debate between Prime Minister David Cameron and Opposition Leader Ed Miliband next April.

The BBC would host the second debate with Mr Cameron and Mr Milband joined by the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg. The debate would be fronted by David Dimbleby and broadcast live on television, radio and online.

ITV would host a third debate, fronted by Julie Etchingham, with Mr Farage joining the three main party leaders.

Each of the three debates would take place in front of a studio audience who would be able to put questions to the party leaders.

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