Fire service offers safety help to Brighton and Hove clubs, pubs and bars

Fire safety inspectors are holding two events aimed at helping managers and staff at Brighton and Hove’s pubs, clubs and bars to learn how to comply with the law.

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service has laid on two seminars at the Hilton Brighton Metropole next Wednesday (19 November). One starts at 10am and the other at 2.30pm.

Fire safety inspecting officer Amy Reynolds, who organised the seminars, said: “Brighton and Hove has some great venues and we know there are lots of responsible business owners out there.

“We also know that it can be daunting when those managing or working in these venues have to ensure they meet legal requirements.

“We want to help. After each session, people will get the chance to speak to our fire safety inspectors who can offer information, advice and guidance.”

Each seminar will last about three hours and will cover

  • Fire risk assessments and calculating capacity
  • The impact of fire in licensed venues
  • Partnership working with the fire service
  • The public safety licensing objective

To book a place, contact the Brighton and Hove Fire Safety Office on 01323 462130 or email

The fire service said: “It is now no longer the fire and rescue service’s duty to make sure that business premises are safe from fire.

“Accountability now lies squarely and firmly with ‘the responsible person’ in all premises other than a single private dwelling.

“East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service works with businesses to help them understand and meet their responsibilities.

“When businesses fail to meet legal requirements they can be prosecuted under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.”

For more information, visit

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