Brighton’s Arty: Say no to socks this christmas …

As Christmas approaches, the opportunities to ensure your gifts elicit cries of joy and surprise increase. And there’s no better place to find beautiful, truly unique – and affordable – artworks and artefacts than MADE Brighton. Now, growing up in Buckinghamshire, my early experiences of craft fairs involved drafty church halls filled with largely unidentifiable objets d’2ply and mountains of fudge courtesy of the WI. Fond memories. To which I’m happy to say a visit to the city’s annual Design and Craft Fair bears no resemblance at all.

MADE is a stunning opportunity to buy original and exceptional pieces of craft and design. More than 120 makers and designers will be there for you to chat to and find out more about their work.


If you’re a jewellery fanatic, I’d urge you to seek out Chris Hawkins – an Arty favourite (well, he did design my gorgeous engagement ring!). Renowned for his distinctive collections for men, Chris brings a unique take on jewellery design inspired by the natural world. Bones, snakes and foxes have all been brilliantly re-imagined by this exceptional craftsman in his world of precious jewellery and tiny sculptures.

Another MADE exhibitor inspired by an overwhelming love for nature, but in complete contrast, is Suzanne Breakwell. Suzanne adores paper as a medium, and enjoys the simplicity of creating a story from a single sheet. We had the pleasure of showing her incredible paper sculptures and paper cuttings at our Open House in May.

The detail has to be seen to be believed. MADE is at the Corn Exchange, 21-23 November.

Don’t miss out:
We’re busy compiling our next book – Brighton’s Artists 2015. There’s still time to be involved (but not long!). Find out more on our website

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