Bare cheek: Brian Mitchell and Joseph Nixon

Five Reasons To See ‘Big Daddy Vs Giant Haystacks’ Just One Last Time …
1 It’s won three awards (Brighton Festival Best Actor, Buxton Fringe Best Theatre, Chris Neville Theatre Award for Best Fringe Show) and been nominated for three more

2 It’s garnered a raft of glowing four and five star reviews and was featured in the BBC4 documentary ‘Grapples, Grunts and Grannies’

3 It’s toured regionally and nationally four times and was a big hit in Edinburgh

4 It’s a play about Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks

5 This is your last chance to see it

Starring Brighton’s very own Ross Gurney-Randall and David Mounfield, and penned by us truly, this show is a knockout. Catch it at the wonderful, new Rialto Theatre on 18 February, £10/£8. Visit or call
01273 725230 to book.

Edward De Bonehead’s Lateral Thinking Puzzles

The Infanta of Spain is bored and asks her father the King to provide her with entertainment. The King gives her all manner of wonderful carved toys and precious jewels, and engages dozens of musicians, animals, clowns and actors to perform for her, but she is still not entertained. She demands that her father give her something “as tall as the sky, as wide as the earth, as glittering as gold, and as silent as silver.” The King thinks for a moment and then boots her up the behind. Why?

The Texan had been married before, but only to a sea cucumber.

What Was That?

Can’t remember the name of a film, TV show, book or similar? Mike Hunter is the man with the answers …
Dear Mike
Can you help? I’m trying to think of the name of a religious figure. This person is a prophet and messenger from God who is worshipped by Muslims and Baha’is and is believed to have written the Quran under instructions from God. He was born in the Arabian city of Mecca and is, I believe, generally considered to be the founder of Islam. I think his name begins with ‘M’. Any ideas?
Peter Lewis, Lewes

Dear Peter,
I’m sorry – I have no idea who the person of whom you speak may be. Please don’t contact me again.
Please don’t keep those letters flooding in for a while.
Mike XXX

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