Comedy: Heavy Hitters

Two of the biggest names in British comedy are coming to town – this week

Be prepared to be entertained this week. If ever you complain about there being nothing on in town to make you laugh this week, know that you do so in the full knowledge that you’re just not trying. This Thursday sees the happy return to the Brighton Dome’s Concert Hall of gagmeister extraordinaire Jimmy Carr. And if that wasn’t enough, on Sunday Michael McIntyre is taking over the Brighton Centre. So there.Jimmy-Carr-1
Both of these men have experienced backlashes over the years, chiefly for the major crime of being very successful at what they’ve chosen to dedicate time, energy and a large portion of their lives to (I’m not referring to Jimmy Carr’s nefarious tax issues here btw). McIntyre and Carr are both very successful and talented – that second part’s important, y’know – comedians. And because of that success all the channels on television wanted a slice of them. And then all of the television critics and a fair number of viewers pointed out that they’d seen them loads and could they have the next lot of comedians on please. The thing is, you don’t just get to do lots of telly because it’s your turn, you do it because you’re good. Which is why these two masters of comedy are packing them to the rafters in these not inconsiderably sized venues.

Stand-up is an artform, and some of those who do it well are also asked to take part in other comedy formats. However, it is worth remembering that there is more to Jimmy Carr than a strange-sounding laugh and nifty stunts completed while the Countdown clock music plays. And Michael McIntyre has more than floppy hair and a ‘man drawer’ in his bag of tricks. Stand-up is their primary job. These are not lecture tours. As other ‘celebrities’ tag tours onto their fame, pretending that the shine of fame will rub off if they read a bit out from their latest book and answer a few questions from the audience. This is what these guys do. It will be better than the side-jobs. It will be better than the telly you’ve seen them do. Now, get out and see something good. You will be entertained.
Michael McIntyre – Happy & Glorious, Thursday 27 August, Brighton Centre, 8pm, £50/35, 01273 290131,
Jimmy Carr – Funny Business, Sunday 30 August, Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 8pm, £26, 01273 709709,

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