LATEST NEWS LIVE Roger Hinton, of Regency Society, on Brighton seafront

Roger Hinton, chairman of the Regency Society, talks to Latest TV’s Mike Mendoza about the future of Brighton seafront. It comes after Wednesday’s public meeting where it was suggested the Volks Railway might be moved to ensure the stretch is regenerated.

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One Response

  1. John Kapp says:

    Well done, Roger, in raising awareness of the problem of getting more people in and out of the city. Magnus Volk had the right idea of electric railways, but (as Roger said) it is time to augment the tourist attraction with a modern light rail system from Southwick main line through the marina, and eventually on to Newhaven. I prefer a tram (Manchester style) which is less intrusive and expensive than a monorail, as it shares the road space with pedestrians, cycles, and cars south of the A259. I don’t want fences which stop access to the beach, which unfortunately the Volks railway has to, because of the live rail. The council should consider this urgently.

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