The Glenn Miller Story – Tommy Steele

With full West End production values, an A-grade band, top-rate hoofers who can sing too, what is this show doing with a star twice the age Glenn Miller ever reached (40)? Answer: very nicely indeed, thank you!

It’s Tommy Steele’s show, and the vibrant younger cast are clearly thrilled to be performing with him. He’ll never look or sound like the great Band Leader, the story is as predictable as a Hollywood bio-pic, but none of that matters – the music is great, bursting with energy and the charm overflows. The atmosphere in the theatre is as glorious as the tunes.

CODA: It’s doing so well they’re going to run another matinée. Nine shows a week, I wish I had that stamina!

Congress Theatre, Eastbourne, 16 February 2016


Andrew Connal

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