Man in a critical condition after Brighton high rise flat fire

A man is in hospital after a fire in a high rise block in Brighton over the weekend.

Latest TV’s Caroline Rundell reports…

UPDATE:5pm on Feb 22, 2016 – Police have now confirmed that the man involved, Chris Cooke, has died from his injuries

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  1. Valerie Paynter says:

    Every building has fire instruction notices. Some CONFLICT as does advice. I am surprised the lady was advised by the fire service to leave the building. BHCC tells us to stay in our flats! We are warned that the fire service will come up the stairs as we try to leave by them and their priority shoving past us and we are in their way. And lifts are not meant to work in a fire…..

    Clearly the council needs to look at this and advise us again.

    The doors on flats in council-owned buildings, put in as part of the (overspecified, over-secure) door replacement programme are fire doors. If Mr. Cooke had one of these doors, I hope the fire service were not delayed getting past it to help him. But the doors to the flats would have protected other tenants from dangerous smoke inhalation and fire.

  2. Valerie Paynter says:

    RIP Chris. Many condolences to his partner and family.

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